The Sik Sik Yuen Biotechnology Mobile Laboratory (BML) Program, solely sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen, was inaugurated in 2009 and began its mission of promoting and delivering biotech education ever since. This year is the 15th Anniversary of the BML Program. With the full support of the American Society for Microbiology and the Canadian biotechnology company Amino Labs, we jointly organized the “Agar Art Contest 2023” in Hong Kong, to arouse the interest of primary and secondary school students in science and technology.
嗇色園生物科技流動實驗室計劃由嗇色園全資贊助,於二零零九年啟動以來一直致力推動生物科技教育。適逢今年色園生物科 技流動實驗室創立十五周年,在美國微生物學會及加拿大生物科技公司 Amino Labs 全力支 持下,舉辦『國際瓊脂藝術大賽2023』香港區賽, 旨在提高中、小學生對科學和生物科技的認識及興趣。

What is the Biotechnology Mobile Laboratory?

The Biotechnology Mobile Laboratory (the MobileLab), built on a 12-metre Euro-V chassis and registered as a Special-Purpose Vehicle, is a traveling laboratory specially designed for teachers and students to participate in hands-on experiments. It is completely self-contained, providing state-of-the-art laboratory facilities for the teaching and learning of science and biotechnology with a minimum of movement for students from their school. The MobileLab also offers science and biotech education for the public in various outreach programs.
There are two small diesel power generators, one supplies ample power for the entire MobileLab while the other serves as a standby. A third diesel power generator supplies air-conditioning, and when the weather does not need any cooling, the MobileLab has zero emission in its operation. In order to accommodate participants who are on wheelchairs, the MobileLab has an elevator that provides easy access, and a special retractable lab bench that suits the participants.
The Operation and Usage of the MobileLab
The MobileLab can be parked inside the school campus, and once immobilized and stabilized, teachers and students are brought into the laboratory. Up to 32 students can be accommodated in each class, and for advanced experiments, the number of students would have to be scaled down to 30. Students with special needs can get access to the laboratory using the wheelchair-access elevator.
The duration of use for a school can range from one to five days on campus. The MobileLab will then be returned to its headquarter at Ho Yu, and the reagents and consumables will be replenished for the next visit and all wastes from the last visit will be disposed according to prudent, established protocols.
The MobileLab can also be used for outreach activities to promote science and biotech among the general public in the communities.
Chronicles of the MobileLab Construction

The Chassis Construction

Interior Decoration

The Celebration of the Birth of the MobileLab on 24th April 2009

Inauguration of the MobileLab Program on 24th April 2009