Agar Art Contest 2023 (Hong Kong Region)

Please press here for Entry List. 請按此處查看參賽名單。

The polling of the Most Popular Award period will be 1-19 Nov 2023. Please pay close attention to our homepage!



 The ancestral root of biotechnology dates back to centuries, such as baking bread, brewing wine and breeding techniques, are used in food and agricultural development. As technological advancement revealed the mysteries of DNA structure and genetics, scientists were able to engineer new crops that grow faster, more nutritious and even resistant to disease. In the field of medicine, biotechnology also enhances the development of more accurate and rapid diagnostics and provide personalized treatments. Scientists can also cultivate bacteria in different colours and apply the technique in art and paintings.

 Purpose of the Competition

 This year is the 15th Anniversary of the Sik Sik Yuen Biotech MobileLab Program and the 20th Anniversary of the Through-Train Education at Ho Yu. With the theme of “Pioneer the future with innovative teaching”, we have organized a series of scientific and innovative competitions. With the full support of the American Society for Microbiology and the Canadian biotechnology company Amino Labs, our school jointly organized the “Agar Art Contest 2023” in Hong Kong with the Sik Sik Yuen Biotechnology Mobile Laboratory Program, to arouse the interest of primary and secondary school students in science and technology.

Agar Art is an innovative form of art, which uses agar plates as canvas and coloured bacteria as paint, to create microbial artwork under optimal cultivation. The theme of this year’s Agar Art Competition is “Microbiology in Space”. We hope that primary and secondary school students can demonstrate their creativity and problem-solving skills in STEAM learning and present the ideas of microorganisms and outer space on agar.

 Competition Details

Theme Microbiology in Space

Any interpretation you come up with will be accepted, as long as there is a connection between microbes and outer space: microbes on spaceships, life on other planets (or galaxies), etc.

Participants: Primary Section (P. 4 to P.6 students);

Junior Secondary Section (S.1 to S.3 students) ; Senior Secondary Section (S.4 to S.6 students).

Date: 21st Oct, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (Primary Section); 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (Secondary Section)

Location: Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen),

4-6 Kin Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, N.T.

Gathering Venue: 2/F Indoor gymnasium (Secondary School Building)

Schedule Activity Content


Knowledge Enrichment Workshop  Introduction to biotechnology development and application

Learning principles of genetic engineering and transformation

Learning and practicing Agar Art Painting techniques

Agar Art Contest Organizer will provide all the materials for the contest

Produce Agar artwork



Incubating Agar Artwork

(Handled by Organizer)

Incubate Agar artwork for 48 hours


Preserving and Taking Photos of Agar Artwork

(Handled by Organizer)

Preserve Agar artwork with specialized resin

Take photos of the Agar artwork and exhibit on the Ho Yu College homepage for polling



Polling for Most Popular Award (Online) Deadline for voting the Most Popular Award

The team with the highest number of votes will be awarded (One Award for each section)



Prize Presentation Ceremony All participating schools and participants will be invited to the Prize Presentation Ceremony

Winning schools and winning teams will be notified individually

 Notes for Application

  • “Agar Art Contest 2023 (Hong Kong Region)” is an international competition. We are hosting the workshop for the participants to create a microbial masterpiece in Hong Kong region. All participating teams must be nominated by their school. The Hong Kong winning teams (including Champions, 1st runner-ups, 2nd runner-ups and Merit teams) will be submitted into the 2023 ASM Agar Art Contest.
  • Each school can nominate a maximum of 2 teams, with each team consists of four Teammates can be formed from different levels of students within the same section.
  • Students do not need to possess any knowledge of microbiology and biotechnology. Trainings on relevant knowledge and experimental skills will be provided to participants.
  • There will not be seats for audience during the competition. Schools can arrange teachers to accompany students to attend the competition as needed.

Awards and Prizes

Primary Section Awards Prizes
Champion A trophy and a certificate

4 sets of Hand-held Microscope and 4 sets of DNA model

1st runner-up A trophy and a certificate

4 sets of Hand-held Microscope and 2 sets of DNA model

2nd runner-up A trophy and a certificate

4 sets of Hand-held Microscope

Merit A trophy and a certificate
Most Popular Award A trophy


*Secondary Section Awards Prizes
Champion A trophy and a certificate

4 sets of Hand-held Microscope and 4 sets of DNA model

1st runner-up A trophy and a certificate

4 sets of Hand-held Microscope and 2 sets of DNA model

2nd runner-up A trophy and a certificate

4 sets of Hand-held Microscope

Merit A trophy and a certificate
Most Popular Award A trophy

*Junior Secondary Section (S.1 to S.3 students) ; Senior Secondary Section (S.4 to S.6 students)

 Application Method

  • Deadline: 6/10/2023 (Friday)
  • The application will be processed on a “first-come, first-served” basis where the reservation is subject to availability. The organizer Sik Sik Yuen reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to accept applications.
  • If the Observatory has hoisted or is expected to hoist typhoon signal no.8 or above, red or black rainstorm warning two hours before the start of the competition, the competition will be postponed to 22nd Oct 2023, Sunday.
  • Please fill in the application form
  • Email:        or
  • Fax: 2109 2002                                          or
  • Online Application                                                                         

  • After receiving the application form, the organizer will confirm the application by email within three working days. If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms HUNG Chor Ki or Mr. KONG Ka Man at 2109 1001 or Whatsapp 9373 8347.


生物科技應用可以追溯到幾個世紀前,例如烘焙麵包、釀酒和配種技術,應用於糧食和農業發展。 隨著科技進步解開了 DNA 結構和遺傳學的奧秘,科學家們能夠設計出生長更快、營養更豐富、抗病能力更強的新農作物。 在醫學領域中,生物科技也發展出更準確、更快速的診斷方法和個人化治療方案。科學家還可以培養不同顏色的細菌,並應用於藝術和繪畫上。


適逢今年是我校遷校二十周年,亦是嗇色園生物科技流動實驗室創立十五周年,我們以「創新教學迎未來」為主題,籌辦多個科創活動。其中,在美國微生物學會及生物科技公司Amino Labs 的全力支持下,我們將舉辦『國際瓊脂藝術大賽2023』香港區賽,旨在提高中小學生對科學、生物科技以及STEAM (科學、技術、工程、藝術和數學) 教育的興趣。

瓊脂藝術 (Agar Art) 是新興的一種藝術流派,通過特定模式培養微生物,用瓊脂板當成畫布,以有色細菌當作顏料,在充分培育後,創作出一個全新的微生物藝術作品,讓學生展示他們在 STEAM 學習上的創造性思維和解難能力。


  • 主題:微生物在太空


  • 參賽對象:小學組 (小四至小六級學生);

初中組 (中一至中三級學生);高中組 (中四至中六級學生)

  • 比賽日期:二零二三年十月二十一日 (星期六)
  • 比賽時間:小學組 (上午九時至下午一時);中學組 (下午二時至六時)
  • 比賽地點:東涌健東路4-6號 嗇色園主辦可譽中學暨可譽小學
  • 集合地點:中學二樓室內體育館
  • 比賽流程:當天分為兩個部分,包括知識增潤工作坊及瓊脂藝術大賽。
日程 活動 內容


知識增潤工作坊  簡單認識生物科技的發展及應用



瓊脂藝術大賽 大會提供所有物資及微生物顏料




















公佈及頒發獎項   誠邀所有參加學校及參賽者出席頒獎典禮



  1. 『國際瓊脂藝術大賽2023』是一個國際性微生物比賽,是次為香港地區之選拔賽,所有參賽隊伍必須由學校提名。而在香港區比賽中獲勝隊伍(包括冠、亞、季軍及優異獎) 將獲推薦參加『國際瓊脂藝術大賽2023』。
  2. 每間學校可提名最多兩支隊伍參賽每隊由四名學生組成。每隊成員可根據組別混合不同級別的學生參賽。
  3. 學生無須具備任何微生物學的知識,大會為參賽者增潤相關知識及提供實驗技巧的培訓。
  4. 是次賽事不設觀眾席,學校可按需要安排一位老師接送學生出席當天比賽。


小學組 獎項 獎品
冠軍 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張、手提顯微鏡套裝四盒、DNA 模型四盒
亞軍 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張、手提顯微鏡套裝四盒、DNA 模型二盒
季軍 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張、手提顯微鏡套裝四盒
優異獎 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張
最受歡迎大獎 獎盃一座


*中學組 獎項 獎品
冠軍 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張、手提顯微鏡套裝四盒、DNA 模型四盒
亞軍 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張、手提顯微鏡套裝四盒、DNA 模型二盒
季軍 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張、手提顯微鏡套裝四盒
優異獎 獎盃一座、獎狀乙張
最受歡迎大獎 獎盃一座

* 初中組 (中一至中三級學生);高中組 (中四至中六級學生)



  • 截止報名日期:二零二三年十月六日 (星期五)
  • 申請將以先到先得的原則處理,額滿即止。主辦機構保留對接受申請與否的最後決定權。
  • 天文台如於比賽開始前兩小時已經或預料懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告,比賽將會順延一天至二零二三年十月二十二日(星期日)進行。
  • 請填妥隨附報名表格並
  • 電郵至     或
  • 傳真至2109 2002                           或
  • 透過以下連結作網上報名                                                                                 

  • 主辦機構收到報名表格後,將於三個工作天內以電郵確定有關報名。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2109 1001或Whatsapp 9373 8347 與洪楚琪老師或江嘉文先生聯絡。