Agar Art Contest 2024 (Preliminary Round)

國際瓊脂藝術大賽2024 (選拔賽)

With the ancestral root of biotechnology dated back to centuries, such as baking bread, brewing wine and breeding techniques, are used in food and agriculture development. As technological advances recently revealed the mysteries of DNA structure and genetics, scientists were able to engineer new crops to grow faster, more nutritious and even resistant to disease. In the field of medicine, biotechnology also enhanced the development of more accurate and rapid diagnostics and design customized treatments.  Scientists can also cultivate bacteria in different colors and use the technique in art and paintings.
《Purpose of the Competition》
Agar Art is an innovative form of art, which uses agar plates as canvas and transformed bacteria with different colours as paint, to create microbial art works under optimal cultivation. The theme of this year’s Agar Art Competition is “What brings you joy?”. We hope that primary and secondary school students can demonstrate their creativity and problem-solving skills in STEAM learning and present the ideas on agar.
Last year, as a partner of the American Society for Microbiology and with the full support of the biotechnology company Amino Labs, we held the ‘ Agar Art Contest 2023’ in Hong Kong, achieving unprecedented success. A total of 96 teams of primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong participated, and one primary school team even won second place in the international children’s category. This competition has successfully promoted primary and secondary school students’ interest in science and biotechnology as well as STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education.

生物科技應用可以追溯到幾個世紀前,例如烘焙麵包、釀酒和配種技術,應用於糧食和農業發展。 隨著科技進步解開了 DNA 結構和遺傳學的奧秘,科學家們能夠設計出生長更快、營養更豐富、抗病能力更強的新農作物。 在醫學領域中,生物技術也發展出更準確、更快速的診斷方法和個人化治療方案。科學家還可以培養不同顏色的細菌,並將該技術用於藝術和繪畫上。

瓊脂藝術 (Agar Art) 是新興的一種藝術流派,是通過特定模式培養微生物,用瓊脂板當成畫布,有色的細菌當作顏料,在充分培育後創作而成的微生物藝術作品,讓學生展示他們在 STEAM 學習上的創造性思維和解難能力。
去年,我們作為美國微生物學會的合作伙伴,並在生物科技公司Amino Labs 全力支持下,於香港舉辦『國際瓊脂藝術大賽2023』,得到空前成功。全港共有96隊中小學學生參加,其中一支小學隊伍更榮獲國際賽兒童組第二名。比賽成功提高中小學生對科學和生物科技以及STEAM  (科學、技術、工程、藝術和數學) 教育的興趣。

主題:甚麼能帶給你喜悅?‘What Brings You Joy?
Participants: Primary Section (P. 4 to P.6 students); Secondary Section (S.1 to S.6 students).
參賽對象:小學組 (小四至小六級學生);中學組 (中一至中六級學生)
Date: 5th Oct, 2024 (Saturday)
比賽日期:二零二四年十月五日 (星期六)
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (Primary Section); 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (Secondary Section)
比賽時間:小學組 (上午九時至下午一時);中學組 (下午二時至六時)

《Application Method》《報名辦法》

Deadline: 23/9/2024 截止報名日期:二零二四年九月二十三日 (星期一)

Download the form Here. 在此下載表格

The application will be processed on a “first-come, first-served” basis where the reservation is subject to availability. The organizer Sik Sik Yuen reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to accept applications. Each school can nominate Maximum 1 team, each team must consist of four students from different levels to participate in the competition according to their sections. 申請將以先到先得的原則處理,額滿即止。主辦機構保留對接受申請與否的最後決定權。每間學校可提名一支隊伍參賽,每隊需由四名學生組成,可混合不同級別的學生參賽。

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Online Application 網上報名:

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